The origins of our family business date back to 1991. We plied our trade as a sideline activity till 2006. In our beginnings we were making tools for plastic injection and tools for cutting out sheet metal. In 2006 the company moved to a new location.  Our main activity became tool industry- producing small metal and non metal products. Experiences and continuous learning in the field of metal processing and toolmaking brought the result – that is regular and satisfied customers.

Experiences and continuous learning in the field of metal processing and toolmaking brought the result – that is regular and satisfied customers.

Our purpose and goal is to satisfy the demands of our clients in terms of quality and according to the agreed production period. This can be achieved through excellent teamwork, continuous updating of the machine park and experience gained over the years to date.

Basic information :

JURKOVNIK d. o. o., tooling and manufacture of small metal and non-metallic products

Address: Šolska ulica 16b

City: 3330 Mozirje

VAT number: SI 25421905

Bank account: SI56 0237 4025 6146 132